Friday, August 16, 2013

National Honeybee Day!

August 17th is National Honeybee Day, so it feels worth mentioning. There is a big event in Santa Monica (I believe at 3rd St. Promenade) to help bring awareness and celebrate the growing community of urban beekeepers and supporters of urban beekeeping, which I unfortunately won't be able to go to, but if you want more info, will have a live feed on their YouTube channel or you can go in person if you are in the area and interested!

It is an event where dressing in black and yellow is encouraged and I'm sure involves trying and tasting honey products! They range from making seed bombs to trying honey or makeup products. I really hope to make it to more of these types of events in 2014. They really stress the importance of community for beekeepers to resemble the community of the bees we care for, so we can exchange experiences and tips with one another. Or if our brood gets too full, we can trade frames with others who want to expand their hives if we are wanting to maintain the current size to prevent swarming. 

There is a learning curve for everyone regardless of how long you've been doing it, and this community is generous in sharing their knowledge. I encourage you all to check it out, and please let me know if you went and share your experience/thoughts on the event with me!